After two years of Covid-19 disrupting the regular flow of the Conservation Corps program, the Rocky Mountain Conservancy was elated to host its first all-crew orientation week since pre-pandemic times.

Fifty-two Corps members, ages 18 to 26, convened in Rocky’s Moraine Park Campground last week for seasonal training. Lessons and discussions throughout the week touched on a wide variety of topics, including the mission of land management agencies, backcountry safety, mental and physical health, and much more. Corps members were challenged to deepen their understanding of local ecology, as well as the lasting impact their work this season will have on the area. With many opportunities for team building during the week, it is clear Corps members have already established camaraderie with their fellow crew mates.

The sea of tents recently occupying the Moraine Park Campground has since vanished, and crews are now out getting their hands dirty. Thanks to countless generous donations, this season’s Corps is the Conservancy’s largest yet and will be serving more areas than ever before. Divided among nine different crews, Corps members are based on both the east and west sides of Rocky, and in various districts across Arapaho and Roosevelt National forests. Stay tuned for the news of the Corps’ hard work and silly shenanigans!