Completed Projects

Completed Park Projects

Your support has enabled us to complete more than 50 park projects at a cost of more than $33 million, including land protection, trail improvement and historic preservation. Here is a list of projects since 1985:

Land Protection Projects

Wild Basin Property Acquisition (2017):
In cooperation with Wilderness Land Trust and the National Park Trust, 12.5 acres of private property on the park’s east side were purchased for $750,000 for Rocky Mountain National Park. The property is being held in trust until such a time that it can be transferred to Rocky Mountain National Park.

Cascade Cottages Property Acquisition (2016):
40 acres on the park’s east side were purchased for $3.4M for Rocky Mountain National Park.

Johnson Property Acquisition (2013):
3.89 acres on the park’s west side were purchased for $400,000 for Rocky Mountain National Park.

Crane Trust Tract Acquisition: (2009):
Approximately 1 acre of land donated to the Rocky Mountain Conservancy and deeded to Rocky Mountain National Park.

McGowan Tract Acquisition (2009):
Less than 1 acre of land purchased for $25,000 and deeded to Rocky Mountain National Park.

Owen-McMahon Acquisition (2008):
5.74 acres of land purchased for $300,000 and deeded to the U.S. Forest Service.

Kueker Tract Acquisition (2007):
8 acres of land purchased for $600,000 and deeded to the U.S. Forest Service.

Fahy Tract Acquisition (2005):
20acres of land purchased for $847,427.39 and deeded to the U.S. Forest Service.

Miller Tract Acquisition (2004):
$1.02 million – fundraising completed with land deeded to the U.S. Forest Service.

Enos Mills Property, Scenic and Cultural Easement (2002):
In partnership with the Estes Valley Land Trust. $54,136.

Sleepy Hollow Tract Acquisition (2000–2002):
Legal work and appraisal, $12,248. Land acquired, $313,000, Oct. 16, 2000. Deeded the 32-acre parcel to RMNP April 3, 2002.

Lily Lake Water Rights (2000):
In partnership with the Estes Valley Land Trust, $60,000.

Adams Tract Acquisition (1999):
Appraisal, fundraising, $280,000. Deeded 26 acres to RMNP Dec. 28, 1999.

Roessler Property Acquisition (1998): $400,000.
Fundraising, planning, and cabin removal, $15,000. Deeded the 18.19 acre parcel to RMNP December 28, 1999.

Kemp Properties (1995–1997):
Advising, land study completed.

Circle C Land Appraisal (1991):
Fundraising, contracting, completed on time and on budget, $1,500.

Baldpate Land Purchase (1990):
Partnered with the Conservation Fund, $20,000.

Trail Improvement Projects

Alberta Falls – Lake Haiyaha Trail Project (2009–2012):
$420,000, fundraising completed, trail work. RMNP construction (with ACC crew assistance) completed in 2012.

Lake Irene Trail Project (2004–2006):
$122,230. NPS construction.

Loch-Sky Pond Trail Reconstruction (2004–2006):
$343,736.86. NPS construction.

Mills Lake to Black Lake Trail Reconstruction (2003):
$205,000, NPS construction.

Adams Falls Overlook and Trail Reconstruction (2001):
$91,000, NPS construction.

Lily Lake-Storm Pass Trail (1999):
Fundraising $136,000. NPS construction.

North Longs Peak Bridge Reconstruction (1999):
$5,975. NPS construction.

Lily Lake Accessible Trail (1995–1997):
Planning, fundraising, contract supervision (NPS construction), completed September 12, 1997 and on budget, $225,507.98. Accessible restroom, 2004: $65,447.

Coyote Valley Accessible Trail (1993–1994):
Planning, fundraising, (NPS construction) completed one year late but on budget, $109,764.18.

Bear Lake Accessible Loop Trail (1998–2000):
(NPS construction) completed on time and on budget, $142,811.

Bear Lake Accessible Trail, Plaza, and Kiosk (1993–1994):
Planning, fundraising, $91,490.

Sprague Lake Picnic Area Accessibility Project (1998–2000):
NPS construction, $116,962.

Sprague Lake Accessible Trail (1993):
Planning, fundraising, NPS construction completed on time and on budget, $47,990.

Special Park Projects

Timber Creek Amphitheater (2003–2008): $532,000.

30 AED Defibrillators for RMNP (2003)

Park Greenhouse Expansion (2004):
$15,000.Endovalley Picnic Area Rehabilitation (2004):

Wild Basin Lodge appraisal for acquisition (1998):
$12,000. Acquisition unsuccessful.

Park Greenhouse Endowment (1995–1999):
$180,000 endowment.

Park Greenhouse construction (1994–1995):
Planning, fundraising, construction supervision, $69,328.73.

Spur 66 Planning 1995–1996:
Advising, contract negotiation, completed on budget, $17,500.

Headquarters Irrigation/Sprinkler system 1994:
Fundraising, facilitation, (Belmire construction) completed on time and on budget, $4,295.

Historical Preservation and Restoration Projects

Wigwam Tearoom Stabilization (Phase II) (2006–2007):
$49,819. Project completed in 2007.

Stabilization of Wigwam Cabin (Phase I) (2005): $58,000.
Fundraising completed. Tearoom structure stabilization completed.

Holzwarth Ranch Historical Restoration (1998–1999):
Mama’s Cabin restored October 25, 1998, $33,000. Additional $53,000 restoration of three buildings, 1999. Rocky Mountain Consultants construction.

NPS Quarters 48 – became the Rocky Mountain Conservancy office building (1995–1997):
Restoration complete, $160,000. Planning, fundraising, contract supervision.

McGraw Ranch restoration design Phase II (1999): $55,280.
Phase III, 2000-2001: Restoration of Cabin #1005, $50,512; Cabin #1006, $41,748.40; Cabin #1003, $11,050 (Cornerstone construction). Restoration completed February 22, 2002.

McGraw Ranch:
Restoration Survey (1994–1995): Planning, fundraising, contract supervision, (Rocky Mountain Consultants engineering and survey), $8,500.

William Allen White Cabins (1995–1997):
Planning, fundraising, contract supervision, (Rocky Mountain Consultants construction), $140,884.60.

Shadow Mountain Lookout (1994–1996):
Planning, fundraising, construction supervision (Susan Maxson Designs and NPS construction), $43,814.

Educational Programs and Opportunities

Aid to NPS and other partner agencies: (2006-present):
(2016) Nearly $2M has been donated to support the educational and research efforts of Rocky Mountain National Park and our partner agencies throughout Colorado and Wyoming.

Next Generation Fund: (2006-present):
A capital campaign to improve and expand youth programs in and around Rocky Mountain National Park, including the Conservation Corps, redevelopment of the Junior Ranger program and bolstering the Environmental Education program. This effort will produce an endowment fund of $10 million to sustain these educational programs into the future.

Howland Fellowship: (2004–2005):
$7,500. Funding fellows/interns for Rocky Mountain Conservancy-Field Institute.

Olson Family Fellowship: (2006–2018):
$12,000. Funding fellows/interns for Rocky Mountain Conservancy-Field Institute.

Conservation Corps: (2003- present):
$250,000, annually. An AmeriCorps program providing paid opportunities to young adults in Rocky Mountain National Park and the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests. Conservation Corps members and leaders complete trail maintenance, habitat restoration, historic preservation, and visitor use site enhancement projects, while receiving training, education, career development services.

High School Leadership Corps: (2017- present):
$25,000, annually. An immersive service-learning opportunity for high school students from Colorado to complete conservation projects, develop career awareness, and learn outdoor skills in Rocky Mountain National Park and the surrounding Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests.

Beaver Ponds Boardwalk Signs (1994):
Fundraised for the first wheelchair accessible trail in RMNP, including an accessible boardwalk and exhibits, NPS construction, $10,000.

RMNP Astronomy Project (1995–97):
Planning, fundraising, $20,000.

Field Institute and Program (2000–2003):
$926,000. Building complete, program development ongoing.

Justine and Leslie Fidel Bailey Research Fellowship (1995-on-going):
a $160,000 endowed project to fund graduate level park research projects for Rocky Mountain National Park.

Justine and Leslie Fidel Bailey Education Fellowship (2013-on-going):
$15,000. Funding fellows/interns for Rocky Mountain Conservancy-Field Institute.

Visitor Centers and Exhibits

Fall River Visitor Center (1992–2000):
Fundraising, planning, project supervision, $2,033,693, plus $100,000 for land and $500,000 for exhibit design. Worked with Rocky Mountain Consultants for building construction and Exhibit Design Support and Services for exhibit construction. Completed May 20, 2000.

Lily Lake Visitor Center (1991–1993):
Planning, fundraising, exhibit design and fabrication supervision, (Condit Exhibit construction) $158,700.

Moraine Park Museum (1989–1993):
Planning, fundraising, exhibit design and fabrication supervision, (Denver Museum of Natural History design and construction), $244,000.

Kawuneeche Visitor Center Exhibits (1989–1990):
Planning, exhibit design and fabrication supervision, (Denver Museum of Natural History construction), $81,990.

Kawuneeche Visitor Center (1987–1990):
Planning, fundraising, construction supervision, (Blackhawk construction), $228,755.

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