• Illustrated cover of the product "Winter: A Solstice Story," portrayed by Kelsey Gross and Renata Liwska, showcasing animals assembled beneath an owl in a wintery setting adorned with feathers and leaves.

Winter: A Solstice Story

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Item #013096

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Kelsey E. Gross and New York Times bestselling illustrator Renata Liwska

Tonight is the longest night of the year—solstice is here! Deep in the forest, the dark, cold, and quiet of winter is all around. Owl, Mouse, and Deer all watch the light fades and dark surrounds them, but they have a gift of hope to share with their neighbors. The moon and stars shine down on a lone tree in the forest, and the animals gather around to bask in its light. Winter Solstice arrives as the winter sky brings magic for all to share.

Hardcover, 32 pages.


Kelsey E. Gross and New York Times bestselling illustrator Renata Liwska

Tonight is the longest night of the year—solstice is here! Deep in the forest, the dark, cold, and quiet of winter is all around. Owl, Mouse, and Deer all watch the light fades and dark surrounds them, but they have a gift of hope to share with their neighbors. The moon and stars shine down on a lone tree in the forest, and the animals gather around to bask in its light. Winter Solstice arrives as the winter sky brings magic for all to share.

Hardcover, 32 pages.

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