The Conservancy is excited to announce the 2019 Rocky Mountain Climbing Rendezvous. This year, the climbing area stewardship event will focus on trail maintenance for climber access at Lumpy Ridge. Due to the steep nature of climber access trails, they are prone to erosion and subsequent trail braiding. We will work to mitigate erosion and restore surrounding areas along climber access trail.
After the stewardship project, we will host an evening event at the Estes Park Mountain Shop. The event will include dinner, refreshments, raffles, and speakers. Speakers are scheduled to be Tommy Caldwell (Estes Park local and professional climber) and Erik Murdock (Policy Director for The Access Fund).
Who: Volunteers must be able 14 years of age and older. Volunteer work will include hiking up to two miles while carrying tools and materials.
What: Trail building and restoration.
Where:Meet at Rocky Mountain National Park – Trail Shop to shuttle to Lumpy Ridge area.
When: Saturday, August 24th. Meet at 7:30AM | Project work: 8AM-5PM | Evening event: 5PM-8PM
Why: Help protect climbing area access in Rocky Mountain National Park!

For more information contact Geoff Elliot at or (970)586-3262
To RSVP please complete the form: Volunteer Stewardship Event Registration