High School Leadership Corps

Enjoy a Unique Experience and Develop Valuable Skills in Rocky Mountain National Park

Program Overview

The Rocky Mountain Conservancy is excited to announce the High School Leadership Corps (HSLC) will host two sessions in 2025. This unique program will provide incoming or currently enrolled high school students (ages 14-17) with an immersive experience in Rocky Mountain National Park. Youth will participate in conservation work experiences, front country and backcountry camping, and leadership development activities. The Conservancy hopes this experience will advance the understanding of the natural world, promote professional growth, and foster civic engagement in the next generation of public land stewards.

Program Values

The Rocky Mountain Conservancy – Leadership Corps is committed to sharing the following values with youth:

  • Environmental Stewardship — Participants will develop an understanding of natural systems and an awareness of public land agencies by completing service work with current NPS, USFS, and RMC staff. Service work will be related to trail maintenance, habitat restoration, wildfire mitigation, and historic preservation.
  • Personal Leadership — Participants will gain valuable leadership skills related to communication, teamwork and group management in field-based skills training sessions to foster individual growth.
  • Outdoor Skills — Participants will become competent in the skills required to comfortably travel and camp in the outdoors through experiential learning opportunities while camping and engaging in programming focused on backcountry skills.

Program Details

The Leadership Corps is an immersive 11-day experience. Participants will camp in Rocky Mountain National Park, along with 4 days of backpacking in the Poudre Valley Wilderness. During the program, youth will complete service projects, participate in a variety of trainings, and camp in the backcountry. The experience will culminate with a picnic, and youth will be invited to reflect on their experience with Conservancy staff and their families.

The Conservancy will select up to 22 youth (incoming or currently enrolled high school students under the age of 18 for the summer) to participate in the program.

Click here for the HSLC member position description.

Participants will receive a $400 stipend upon successful completion of the program. Additionally, the Rocky Mountain Conservancy provides housing (camping), work clothingboots, and gear for the experience.

PLEASE NOTE: This program is intended for Colorado Residents.

Information on the program can be found below:

Leadership Corps Announcement (English)

Leadership Corps Announcement (Spanish)

2025 Leadership Corps FAQ

Ready to apply? Applications Close April 4th, 2025.

Click here to access the High School Leadership Corps Member Application

Returning members are encouraged to consider serving as an HSLC Mentor.

The Conservancy will also select up to 4 youth (incoming or currently enrolled high school students under the age of 18 for the summer) to serve as mentors. Crew mentors work along the HSLC staff team to support the incoming crew members by sharing their experience and serving as a peer-leader to the crew. These individuals will receive additional leadership training and opportunities during the session.

Click here for the HSLC Mentor position description.

Mentors will receive a $600 stipend upon successful completion of the program. Additionally, the Rocky Mountain Conservancy provides housing (camping), work clothingboots, and gear for the experience.

Ready to Apply? Applications Close April 4th, 2025.

Click here to access the High School Leadership Corps Mentor Application

Click Here to Check Out the 2024 High School Leadership Corps Yearbook!

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