Bettie Course: Via Ferrata

Experience climbing the Via Ferrata – an exhilarating way to enjoy the thrill of mountain rock! The Via Ferrata is a unique experience that falls somewhere between scrambling and technical […]


Beginner Birding in Rocky Mountain National Park

Interested in getting into birding, but feeling overwhelmed and not sure how to get started? This program is for you! In this full day course, experienced instructor Debbie Bangs will […]


The Illustrated Journal: Painting and Drawing Your Life

Immerse yourself in the art of illustrated journaling during this two-day workshop in Rocky Mountain National Park’s Kawuneeche Valley. On the first day, we’ll gather near Holzwarth’s Never Summer Ranch […]


Alpine Wildflowers of Rocky Mountain National Park

Immerse yourself in the extraordinary world of alpine wildflowers, where beauty and resilience meet. This field-based class will take you to the windswept tundra of Rocky Mountain National Park, a […]


Bats of Colorado and Rocky Mountain National Park

In this course, bat ecology expert Jeremy Siemers will introduce participants to the evolution, ecology, behavior, anatomy, threats, and population status of Colorado’s bats in an illustrated lecture, complete with […]
